It’s a letter to a stranger who won’t read words but instead will find an image opening the “virtual bottle”, a photograph that perhaps represents something that we want to save today or the promise of something reachable…
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La cura, le tradizioni, la pazienza che vorrei non si perdessero mai. Le mani di una nonna instancabile.

It’s a letter to a stranger who won’t read words but instead will find an image opening the “virtual bottle”, a photograph that perhaps represents something that we want to save today or the promise of something reachable…
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Il design rappresenta per me un grande amore, tanto che si potrebbe dire mi ha rovinato la vita. Sono disposta a sacrificare ore di sonno, uscite con amici e tempo libero per poter sviluppare i miei progetti.

It’s a letter to a stranger who won’t read words but instead will find an image opening the “virtual bottle”, a photograph that perhaps represents something that we want to save today or the promise of something reachable…
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Backstage di “L’ aprirsi di un varco”. Luci spente, luci accese e porte aperte.

It’s a letter to a stranger who won’t read words but instead will find an image opening the “virtual bottle”, a photograph that perhaps represents something that we want to save today or the promise of something reachable…
4 / 27

Senza fretta, passo dopo passo.

It’s a letter to a stranger who won’t read words but instead will find an image opening the “virtual bottle”, a photograph that perhaps represents something that we want to save today or the promise of something reachable…
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Fuori contesto.

It’s a letter to a stranger who won’t read words but instead will find an image opening the “virtual bottle”, a photograph that perhaps represents something that we want to save today or the promise of something reachable…
6 / 27

It’s a letter to a stranger who won’t read words but instead will find an image opening the “virtual bottle”, a photograph that perhaps represents something that we want to save today or the promise of something reachable…
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It’s a letter to a stranger who won’t read words but instead will find an image opening the “virtual bottle”, a photograph that perhaps represents something that we want to save today or the promise of something reachable…
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Citazioni dal Carroponte, Sesto San Giovanni.

It’s a letter to a stranger who won’t read words but instead will find an image opening the “virtual bottle”, a photograph that perhaps represents something that we want to save today or the promise of something reachable…
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Fotomessaggio in bottiglia, la distanza.

It’s a letter to a stranger who won’t read words but instead will find an image opening the “virtual bottle”, a photograph that perhaps represents something that we want to save today or the promise of something reachable…
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La migliore ricetta culinaria di mia nonna, elemento da conservare e tramandare. Si percepisce il tempo trascorso, dato dal colore assunto dalla carta e dalla scrittura a mano.

It’s a letter to a stranger who won’t read words but instead will find an image opening the “virtual bottle”, a photograph that perhaps represents something that we want to save today or the promise of something reachable…
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Messaggio all’interno di un biscotto della fortuna. “Sono le piccole cose... Niente e’ piu’ grande”, Vanilla Sky.

It’s a letter to a stranger who won’t read words but instead will find an image opening the “virtual bottle”, a photograph that perhaps represents something that we want to save today or the promise of something reachable…
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Il mio messaggio in bottiglia è fatto di carta e di parole, è qualcosa che io stessa ho ereditato, in memoria di una lingua, un dialetto, che pian piano sta svanendo per lasciare spazio a nuovi mondi possibili.

It’s a letter to a stranger who won’t read words but instead will find an image opening the “virtual bottle”, a photograph that perhaps represents something that we want to save today or the promise of something reachable…
13 / 27

Se dovessi raccontare qualcosa a qualcuno fra molto tempo, vorrei dirgli che nonostante le intelligenze artificiali ci piace ancora bere il caffè caldo, insieme, dopo pranzo, sul terrazzo.

It’s a letter to a stranger who won’t read words but instead will find an image opening the “virtual bottle”, a photograph that perhaps represents something that we want to save today or the promise of something reachable…
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Il mio messaggio, e magari speranza, per il futuro è essere memori del passato come del presente, essere più rispettosi e grati nei confronti di chi ci aiuta e decisamente più coerenti di quanto non lo siamo stati finora.

It’s a letter to a stranger who won’t read words but instead will find an image opening the “virtual bottle”, a photograph that perhaps represents something that we want to save today or the promise of something reachable…
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It’s a letter to a stranger who won’t read words but instead will find an image opening the “virtual bottle”, a photograph that perhaps represents something that we want to save today or the promise of something reachable…
16 / 27

Messaggio sui muri della città. Racconto del nostro tempo, memoria di quando staremo bene.

It’s a letter to a stranger who won’t read words but instead will find an image opening the “virtual bottle”, a photograph that perhaps represents something that we want to save today or the promise of something reachable…
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It’s a letter to a stranger who won’t read words but instead will find an image opening the “virtual bottle”, a photograph that perhaps represents something that we want to save today or the promise of something reachable…
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Il ghiacciaio del Monte Rosa, visto dalla valle di Gressoney. Per quanto ancora lo vedremo, prima che scompaia del tutto?

It’s a letter to a stranger who won’t read words but instead will find an image opening the “virtual bottle”, a photograph that perhaps represents something that we want to save today or the promise of something reachable…
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In un 2020 fatto di autocertificazioni usate per ogni spostamento, ci sono dei momenti, delle scene di vita, una quotidianità da salvare, da ricordare.

It’s a letter to a stranger who won’t read words but instead will find an image opening the “virtual bottle”, a photograph that perhaps represents something that we want to save today or the promise of something reachable…
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Ogni mio pensiero a te si rivolge, mostrandoti in una foto la felicità che tanto mi hai descritto. Un’attesa lunga una vita mi basterà per rincontrarti.

It’s a letter to a stranger who won’t read words but instead will find an image opening the “virtual bottle”, a photograph that perhaps represents something that we want to save today or the promise of something reachable…
21 / 27

“Ci vuole altezza”.

It’s a letter to a stranger who won’t read words but instead will find an image opening the “virtual bottle”, a photograph that perhaps represents something that we want to save today or the promise of something reachable…
22 / 27

Quanto era bello comprare, spedire e anche ricevere lettere o cartoline dai posti più remoti? Ma chi spedisce più le lettere con i francobolli? Ormai le cassette per imbucare la posta sono diventate unicamente una superficie per stickers, un ricordo di quello che un tempo si usava fare.

It’s a letter to a stranger who won’t read words but instead will find an image opening the “virtual bottle”, a photograph that perhaps represents something that we want to save today or the promise of something reachable…
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It’s a letter to a stranger who won’t read words but instead will find an image opening the “virtual bottle”, a photograph that perhaps represents something that we want to save today or the promise of something reachable…
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Questa foto, scattata due anni fa a Napoli, è forse la mia preferita. Il cuscino, così delicato e tenuto in aria da forze precarie, è un invito a stare a galla anche quando ci si sente fragili. Il pericolo di crollo esiste, ma è nostro dovere resistere.

It’s a letter to a stranger who won’t read words but instead will find an image opening the “virtual bottle”, a photograph that perhaps represents something that we want to save today or the promise of something reachable…
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Il messaggio di conclusione è "one man’s trash, another man’s treasure": anche se qualcuno può percepire il lavoro che fate come spazzatura o come sbagliato, per altri può essere un tesoro. Non c’è un giusto o uno sbagliato quando parliamo di opera creativa, ma è più corretto parlare di quanto ci ha lasciato.

It’s a letter to a stranger who won’t read words but instead will find an image opening the “virtual bottle”, a photograph that perhaps represents something that we want to save today or the promise of something reachable…
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Perchè no, può sempre servire.

It’s a letter to a stranger who won’t read words but instead will find an image opening the “virtual bottle”, a photograph that perhaps represents something that we want to save today or the promise of something reachable…
27 / 27

Photomessage in a bottle

It’s a letter to a stranger who won’t read words but instead will find an image opening the “virtual bottle”, a photograph that perhaps represents something that we want to save today or the promise of something reachable…