A self-portrait shot like a profile picture for Facebook or Instagram. It’s a journet through the possible choices of revealing or hiding, between light and shadow, details or ensembles; giving space to the context or not.
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Autoritratto dall’altra parte. E come tu vedi meIo vedo te.

A self-portrait shot like a profile picture for Facebook or Instagram. It’s a journet through the possible choices of revealing or hiding, between light and shadow, details or ensembles; giving space to the context or not.
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L’immagine, ricorrendo a uno degli “oggetti di scena” utilizzati nei precedenti scatti quale rappresentazione dello scarto tra realtà e finzione, rimanda all’estremo “allestimento” degli autoritratti fotografici contemporanei.

A self-portrait shot like a profile picture for Facebook or Instagram. It’s a journet through the possible choices of revealing or hiding, between light and shadow, details or ensembles; giving space to the context or not.
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Il bisogno di vicinanza.

A self-portrait shot like a profile picture for Facebook or Instagram. It’s a journet through the possible choices of revealing or hiding, between light and shadow, details or ensembles; giving space to the context or not.
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Non sono capace di farmi selfie, mi dispiace.

A self-portrait shot like a profile picture for Facebook or Instagram. It’s a journet through the possible choices of revealing or hiding, between light and shadow, details or ensembles; giving space to the context or not.
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A self-portrait shot like a profile picture for Facebook or Instagram. It’s a journet through the possible choices of revealing or hiding, between light and shadow, details or ensembles; giving space to the context or not.
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Eravamo andati alla discussione di laurea di un amico, ho chiesto se potevano farmi una foto. (18.12.2020 — Pieve Caina)

A self-portrait shot like a profile picture for Facebook or Instagram. It’s a journet through the possible choices of revealing or hiding, between light and shadow, details or ensembles; giving space to the context or not.
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A self-portrait shot like a profile picture for Facebook or Instagram. It’s a journet through the possible choices of revealing or hiding, between light and shadow, details or ensembles; giving space to the context or not.
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Io e il mio fidato assistente Leopoldo.

A self-portrait shot like a profile picture for Facebook or Instagram. It’s a journet through the possible choices of revealing or hiding, between light and shadow, details or ensembles; giving space to the context or not.
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Ogni riferimento a cose o persone è puramente non casuale.

A self-portrait shot like a profile picture for Facebook or Instagram. It’s a journet through the possible choices of revealing or hiding, between light and shadow, details or ensembles; giving space to the context or not.
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Non mi piace essere ritratto in foto. Questo è probabilmente l’unico selfie che mi sia mai fatto perchè volevo farlo. Questa è l’ultima foto-evasione da casa. Un ricordo di un’ opera di Yayoi Kusama al Louisiana Museum of Modern Art.

A self-portrait shot like a profile picture for Facebook or Instagram. It’s a journet through the possible choices of revealing or hiding, between light and shadow, details or ensembles; giving space to the context or not.
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Me stessa allo specchio, per metà visibile, per metà con il viso coperto dal telefono, l’oggetto che è stato ed è il mio secondo occhio. Dietro di me i ricordi, al di là dello specchio la mia camera.

A self-portrait shot like a profile picture for Facebook or Instagram. It’s a journet through the possible choices of revealing or hiding, between light and shadow, details or ensembles; giving space to the context or not.
12 / 26

Tripla esposizione e qualche riflesso per nascondermi.

A self-portrait shot like a profile picture for Facebook or Instagram. It’s a journet through the possible choices of revealing or hiding, between light and shadow, details or ensembles; giving space to the context or not.
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Solo per far vedere il quadro della foto 4 finito.

A self-portrait shot like a profile picture for Facebook or Instagram. It’s a journet through the possible choices of revealing or hiding, between light and shadow, details or ensembles; giving space to the context or not.
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A self-portrait shot like a profile picture for Facebook or Instagram. It’s a journet through the possible choices of revealing or hiding, between light and shadow, details or ensembles; giving space to the context or not.
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A self-portrait shot like a profile picture for Facebook or Instagram. It’s a journet through the possible choices of revealing or hiding, between light and shadow, details or ensembles; giving space to the context or not.
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A self-portrait shot like a profile picture for Facebook or Instagram. It’s a journet through the possible choices of revealing or hiding, between light and shadow, details or ensembles; giving space to the context or not.
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Tendo spesso al cambiamento: mi raffiguro così, con due sfaccettature diverse, mentre mi giro verso la macchina fotografica. Dopotutto, “volubile” è ciò che si volge.

A self-portrait shot like a profile picture for Facebook or Instagram. It’s a journet through the possible choices of revealing or hiding, between light and shadow, details or ensembles; giving space to the context or not.
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A self-portrait shot like a profile picture for Facebook or Instagram. It’s a journet through the possible choices of revealing or hiding, between light and shadow, details or ensembles; giving space to the context or not.
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Questo scatto che si pone tra il selfie e lo scatto di un riflesso. Mi affascinava l’infinto riflettersi di uno specchio nell’altro; loop infinito quasi impossibile da fotografare per via degli angoli di riflessione finissimi che creerebbero direttrici visive parallele e non fotografabili.

A self-portrait shot like a profile picture for Facebook or Instagram. It’s a journet through the possible choices of revealing or hiding, between light and shadow, details or ensembles; giving space to the context or not.
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Ecco come le persone mi hanno vista in quest'ultimo anno: dalla webcam del computer o solo attraverso la mascherina. Sintesi perfetta del 2020.

A self-portrait shot like a profile picture for Facebook or Instagram. It’s a journet through the possible choices of revealing or hiding, between light and shadow, details or ensembles; giving space to the context or not.
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La rappresentazione poco nitida di me stessa.

A self-portrait shot like a profile picture for Facebook or Instagram. It’s a journet through the possible choices of revealing or hiding, between light and shadow, details or ensembles; giving space to the context or not.
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Leone ascendente Cancro.

A self-portrait shot like a profile picture for Facebook or Instagram. It’s a journet through the possible choices of revealing or hiding, between light and shadow, details or ensembles; giving space to the context or not.
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E’ buio. Chiudo gli occhi. Penso. Ho paura. Un rumore che solo io posso sentire mi tiene sveglia: i ricordi. Ti vedo. Una lacrima prova a tenersi per non scivolare. Cade. Un’alluvione.

A self-portrait shot like a profile picture for Facebook or Instagram. It’s a journet through the possible choices of revealing or hiding, between light and shadow, details or ensembles; giving space to the context or not.
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Il mio segno particolare.

A self-portrait shot like a profile picture for Facebook or Instagram. It’s a journet through the possible choices of revealing or hiding, between light and shadow, details or ensembles; giving space to the context or not.
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Devo imparare sia a cambiare occhio nel mirino con più facilità, sia a pulire lo specchio più spesso.

A self-portrait shot like a profile picture for Facebook or Instagram. It’s a journet through the possible choices of revealing or hiding, between light and shadow, details or ensembles; giving space to the context or not.
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Between Oedipus and Narcissus

A self-portrait shot like a profile picture for Facebook or Instagram. It’s a journet through the possible choices of revealing or hiding, between light and shadow, details or ensembles; giving space to the context or not.