An image that describes the area, the place, the favorite corner for listening to music. A world where you can also find instruments, scores, systems or collections of vinyls… Another gateway for the search of armony.
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Esce la prima nota. La tua voce accompagnava la musica e una bambina dalla sua camera ascoltava la melodia. Dalla sua camera quella ragazza ascolta il silenzio.

An image that describes the area, the place, the favorite corner for listening to music. A world where you can also find instruments, scores, systems or collections of vinyls… Another gateway for the search of armony.
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An image that describes the area, the place, the favorite corner for listening to music. A world where you can also find instruments, scores, systems or collections of vinyls… Another gateway for the search of armony.
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Nella mia borsa, in mezzo a qualche scontrino. Un po’ mi dispiace.

An image that describes the area, the place, the favorite corner for listening to music. A world where you can also find instruments, scores, systems or collections of vinyls… Another gateway for the search of armony.
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An image that describes the area, the place, the favorite corner for listening to music. A world where you can also find instruments, scores, systems or collections of vinyls… Another gateway for the search of armony.
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Alla fine ho ceduto pure io... ma sono davvero comode.

An image that describes the area, the place, the favorite corner for listening to music. A world where you can also find instruments, scores, systems or collections of vinyls… Another gateway for the search of armony.
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La raccolta di CD, ormai lasciati a prendere polvere sullo scaffale: Spotify ahimè li ha surclassati.

An image that describes the area, the place, the favorite corner for listening to music. A world where you can also find instruments, scores, systems or collections of vinyls… Another gateway for the search of armony.
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An image that describes the area, the place, the favorite corner for listening to music. A world where you can also find instruments, scores, systems or collections of vinyls… Another gateway for the search of armony.
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Una tastiera Midi Akai che il mio ragazzo ha lasciato nella mia camera per produrre musica.

An image that describes the area, the place, the favorite corner for listening to music. A world where you can also find instruments, scores, systems or collections of vinyls… Another gateway for the search of armony.
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Un vecchio giradischi ed un vecchio impianto per videocassette. Un piccolo angolo di pace e di relax in un mondo caotico e rumoroso.

An image that describes the area, the place, the favorite corner for listening to music. A world where you can also find instruments, scores, systems or collections of vinyls… Another gateway for the search of armony.
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Più che in casa, il mio spazio nella musica è lungo i tragitti. In cui mi isolo dal contesto e adeguo la playlist al mio umore.

An image that describes the area, the place, the favorite corner for listening to music. A world where you can also find instruments, scores, systems or collections of vinyls… Another gateway for the search of armony.
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An image that describes the area, the place, the favorite corner for listening to music. A world where you can also find instruments, scores, systems or collections of vinyls… Another gateway for the search of armony.
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An image that describes the area, the place, the favorite corner for listening to music. A world where you can also find instruments, scores, systems or collections of vinyls… Another gateway for the search of armony.
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Libreria di vinili, CD, spartiti musicali. Ho aiutato mio padre a ordinare tutto il suo materiale durante il primo lock-down. Un lavoraccio, ma che scoperte.

An image that describes the area, the place, the favorite corner for listening to music. A world where you can also find instruments, scores, systems or collections of vinyls… Another gateway for the search of armony.
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An image that describes the area, the place, the favorite corner for listening to music. A world where you can also find instruments, scores, systems or collections of vinyls… Another gateway for the search of armony.
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An image that describes the area, the place, the favorite corner for listening to music. A world where you can also find instruments, scores, systems or collections of vinyls… Another gateway for the search of armony.
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Vecchie passioni.

An image that describes the area, the place, the favorite corner for listening to music. A world where you can also find instruments, scores, systems or collections of vinyls… Another gateway for the search of armony.
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Lo scaffale della musica.

An image that describes the area, the place, the favorite corner for listening to music. A world where you can also find instruments, scores, systems or collections of vinyls… Another gateway for the search of armony.
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An image that describes the area, the place, the favorite corner for listening to music. A world where you can also find instruments, scores, systems or collections of vinyls… Another gateway for the search of armony.
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...o anche “lo spazio della domenica” quando i miei genitori sparano la musica al massimo volume passando da Bach ai Led Zeppelin.

An image that describes the area, the place, the favorite corner for listening to music. A world where you can also find instruments, scores, systems or collections of vinyls… Another gateway for the search of armony.
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Presenza costante.

An image that describes the area, the place, the favorite corner for listening to music. A world where you can also find instruments, scores, systems or collections of vinyls… Another gateway for the search of armony.
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Con lo sguardo al soffitto e un sottofondo lieve, mi perdo nella spensieratezza.

An image that describes the area, the place, the favorite corner for listening to music. A world where you can also find instruments, scores, systems or collections of vinyls… Another gateway for the search of armony.
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Il disco e’ partito. La senti la musica?

An image that describes the area, the place, the favorite corner for listening to music. A world where you can also find instruments, scores, systems or collections of vinyls… Another gateway for the search of armony.
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Questo è il pianoforte a muro su cui ho imparato a suonare e su cui mi sono esercitata per anni. Con lo strumento, leggermente scordato a causa dell’umidità e del tempo, ho instaurato un legame quasi affettivo: mi siedo alla panca e lascio che il sentimento mi faccia viaggiare leggera sui tasti.

An image that describes the area, the place, the favorite corner for listening to music. A world where you can also find instruments, scores, systems or collections of vinyls… Another gateway for the search of armony.
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An image that describes the area, the place, the favorite corner for listening to music. A world where you can also find instruments, scores, systems or collections of vinyls… Another gateway for the search of armony.
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An image that describes the area, the place, the favorite corner for listening to music. A world where you can also find instruments, scores, systems or collections of vinyls… Another gateway for the search of armony.
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Long playing.

The space of music

An image that describes the area, the place, the favorite corner for listening to music. A world where you can also find instruments, scores, systems or collections of vinyls… Another gateway for the search of armony.