The expression is by Ludwig Feuerbach and indicates the foundation of a profoundly materialist conception of man. We could revisit it today, that taking up food has almost become a fashion, adding an “also” that profoundly changes its meaning: “Man is also what he eats”.
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E nello specifico, una brioche vuota, classica. Non integrale, non vegana, senza marmellata e senza cioccolata. Classica.

The expression is by Ludwig Feuerbach and indicates the foundation of a profoundly materialist conception of man. We could revisit it today, that taking up food has almost become a fashion, adding an “also” that profoundly changes its meaning: “Man is also what he eats”.
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The expression is by Ludwig Feuerbach and indicates the foundation of a profoundly materialist conception of man. We could revisit it today, that taking up food has almost become a fashion, adding an “also” that profoundly changes its meaning: “Man is also what he eats”.
3 / 26

Pasta pasta pasta sempre pasta.

The expression is by Ludwig Feuerbach and indicates the foundation of a profoundly materialist conception of man. We could revisit it today, that taking up food has almost become a fashion, adding an “also” that profoundly changes its meaning: “Man is also what he eats”.
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The expression is by Ludwig Feuerbach and indicates the foundation of a profoundly materialist conception of man. We could revisit it today, that taking up food has almost become a fashion, adding an “also” that profoundly changes its meaning: “Man is also what he eats”.
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Un banale e tipico pranzo.

The expression is by Ludwig Feuerbach and indicates the foundation of a profoundly materialist conception of man. We could revisit it today, that taking up food has almost become a fashion, adding an “also” that profoundly changes its meaning: “Man is also what he eats”.
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The expression is by Ludwig Feuerbach and indicates the foundation of a profoundly materialist conception of man. We could revisit it today, that taking up food has almost become a fashion, adding an “also” that profoundly changes its meaning: “Man is also what he eats”.
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L’immagine del cibo, quella con cui non vogliamo confrontarci, ho fotografato mia nonna e sono rimasto colpito dal contrasto che nasce osservando l’azione cruda e forte di togliere la vita ad un essere vivente e l’amore di chi l’ha sempre fatto per le persone che ama.

The expression is by Ludwig Feuerbach and indicates the foundation of a profoundly materialist conception of man. We could revisit it today, that taking up food has almost become a fashion, adding an “also” that profoundly changes its meaning: “Man is also what he eats”.
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The expression is by Ludwig Feuerbach and indicates the foundation of a profoundly materialist conception of man. We could revisit it today, that taking up food has almost become a fashion, adding an “also” that profoundly changes its meaning: “Man is also what he eats”.
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La tua tentazione ti chiamava ogni giorno. Avrei dovuto insistere.

The expression is by Ludwig Feuerbach and indicates the foundation of a profoundly materialist conception of man. We could revisit it today, that taking up food has almost become a fashion, adding an “also” that profoundly changes its meaning: “Man is also what he eats”.
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A Natale si va giù a Manfredonia, in Puglia, e si fanno le pettole della Vigilia; e senza le pettole non c’è la Vigilia.

The expression is by Ludwig Feuerbach and indicates the foundation of a profoundly materialist conception of man. We could revisit it today, that taking up food has almost become a fashion, adding an “also” that profoundly changes its meaning: “Man is also what he eats”.
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La colazione consumata con calma, la mia dose di dolcezza quotidiana.

The expression is by Ludwig Feuerbach and indicates the foundation of a profoundly materialist conception of man. We could revisit it today, that taking up food has almost become a fashion, adding an “also” that profoundly changes its meaning: “Man is also what he eats”.
12 / 26

Non esito mai quando mi chiedono se preferisco dolce o salato.

The expression is by Ludwig Feuerbach and indicates the foundation of a profoundly materialist conception of man. We could revisit it today, that taking up food has almost become a fashion, adding an “also” that profoundly changes its meaning: “Man is also what he eats”.
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Una vellutata, il piatto più semplice, ma che in una fredda giornata d’inverno dona la coccola migliore.

The expression is by Ludwig Feuerbach and indicates the foundation of a profoundly materialist conception of man. We could revisit it today, that taking up food has almost become a fashion, adding an “also” that profoundly changes its meaning: “Man is also what he eats”.
14 / 26

Da buona fuorisede la pasta al pesto è uno dei piatti che mangio più frequentemente: economico, veloce da preparare e buono anche se riscaldato in microonde.

The expression is by Ludwig Feuerbach and indicates the foundation of a profoundly materialist conception of man. We could revisit it today, that taking up food has almost become a fashion, adding an “also” that profoundly changes its meaning: “Man is also what he eats”.
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Uovo in padella sui fornelli. Non volevo una foto “ordinata”, ma in linea con il carattere dell’ambiente. L’inquadratura storta e la padella tagliata non mi disturbano. L’uovo attira l’attenzione.

The expression is by Ludwig Feuerbach and indicates the foundation of a profoundly materialist conception of man. We could revisit it today, that taking up food has almost become a fashion, adding an “also” that profoundly changes its meaning: “Man is also what he eats”.
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The expression is by Ludwig Feuerbach and indicates the foundation of a profoundly materialist conception of man. We could revisit it today, that taking up food has almost become a fashion, adding an “also” that profoundly changes its meaning: “Man is also what he eats”.
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Il mio pattern preferito.

The expression is by Ludwig Feuerbach and indicates the foundation of a profoundly materialist conception of man. We could revisit it today, that taking up food has almost become a fashion, adding an “also” that profoundly changes its meaning: “Man is also what he eats”.
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The expression is by Ludwig Feuerbach and indicates the foundation of a profoundly materialist conception of man. We could revisit it today, that taking up food has almost become a fashion, adding an “also” that profoundly changes its meaning: “Man is also what he eats”.
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Ravioli di ricotta.

The expression is by Ludwig Feuerbach and indicates the foundation of a profoundly materialist conception of man. We could revisit it today, that taking up food has almost become a fashion, adding an “also” that profoundly changes its meaning: “Man is also what he eats”.
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Doppia esposizione, forno con un arrosto e tortellini in preparazione.

The expression is by Ludwig Feuerbach and indicates the foundation of a profoundly materialist conception of man. We could revisit it today, that taking up food has almost become a fashion, adding an “also” that profoundly changes its meaning: “Man is also what he eats”.
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Fast food? Globalizzazione?

The expression is by Ludwig Feuerbach and indicates the foundation of a profoundly materialist conception of man. We could revisit it today, that taking up food has almost become a fashion, adding an “also” that profoundly changes its meaning: “Man is also what he eats”.
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The expression is by Ludwig Feuerbach and indicates the foundation of a profoundly materialist conception of man. We could revisit it today, that taking up food has almost become a fashion, adding an “also” that profoundly changes its meaning: “Man is also what he eats”.
23 / 26

Ossessione per le verdure fresche. Parte 2.

The expression is by Ludwig Feuerbach and indicates the foundation of a profoundly materialist conception of man. We could revisit it today, that taking up food has almost become a fashion, adding an “also” that profoundly changes its meaning: “Man is also what he eats”.
24 / 26

Allora io sono di certo un impasto.

The expression is by Ludwig Feuerbach and indicates the foundation of a profoundly materialist conception of man. We could revisit it today, that taking up food has almost become a fashion, adding an “also” that profoundly changes its meaning: “Man is also what he eats”.
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Nella quotidianità togliersi lo sfizio di una golosità culinaria fa bene al palato e allo spirito, ancor di più quando si è in periodo festivo. Siamo abituati ormai a condividere sui social tutto quello che mangiamo. Per questo, siamo attratti dall’impiattamento che ci fa venire l'acquolina in bocca.

The expression is by Ludwig Feuerbach and indicates the foundation of a profoundly materialist conception of man. We could revisit it today, that taking up food has almost become a fashion, adding an “also” that profoundly changes its meaning: “Man is also what he eats”.
26 / 26

La ricchezza dimensionale e di colori del soggetto con la sottostante tavola presuppongono un successivo momento di unitarietà sociale. Un nostro piatto tipico è la “paniscia”, rigorosamente cotta in un paiolo di rame. Fortunatamente la trasmissione della ricetta tra generazioni è arrivata fino a me.

The man is what he eats

The expression is by Ludwig Feuerbach and indicates the foundation of a profoundly materialist conception of man. We could revisit it today, that taking up food has almost become a fashion, adding an “also” that profoundly changes its meaning: “Man is also what he eats”.