Are there places where access isn’t permitted or is it still frightening? There used to be a space dedicated to Gods who protected houses and families. Nowadays, are there places that resemble those sacred ones, tied to our memories?
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Are there places where access isn’t permitted or is it still frightening? There used to be a space dedicated to Gods who protected houses and families. Nowadays, are there places that resemble those sacred ones, tied to our memories?
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Anche mentre nessuno guarda.

Are there places where access isn’t permitted or is it still frightening? There used to be a space dedicated to Gods who protected houses and families. Nowadays, are there places that resemble those sacred ones, tied to our memories?
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Are there places where access isn’t permitted or is it still frightening? There used to be a space dedicated to Gods who protected houses and families. Nowadays, are there places that resemble those sacred ones, tied to our memories?
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Proibito forse no, ma quale luogo è più tabù del mondo esterno, di una strada, durante una pandemia.

Are there places where access isn’t permitted or is it still frightening? There used to be a space dedicated to Gods who protected houses and families. Nowadays, are there places that resemble those sacred ones, tied to our memories?
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“Bambine, non sporgetevi sul davanzale!” - Mia mamma.

Are there places where access isn’t permitted or is it still frightening? There used to be a space dedicated to Gods who protected houses and families. Nowadays, are there places that resemble those sacred ones, tied to our memories?
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Il sottoscala

Are there places where access isn’t permitted or is it still frightening? There used to be a space dedicated to Gods who protected houses and families. Nowadays, are there places that resemble those sacred ones, tied to our memories?
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In tutte le case in cui ho vissuto con la mia famiglia, ho sempre avuto come punto di riferimento questo lampadario. Nell’immagine si riflette su di un servizio di piatti che mia madre tiene in mostra dietro un’anta di vetro: oggetti che vedo da una vita, sempre lì, vigili sugli eventi.

Are there places where access isn’t permitted or is it still frightening? There used to be a space dedicated to Gods who protected houses and families. Nowadays, are there places that resemble those sacred ones, tied to our memories?
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Are there places where access isn’t permitted or is it still frightening? There used to be a space dedicated to Gods who protected houses and families. Nowadays, are there places that resemble those sacred ones, tied to our memories?
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Da piccola usavo questa scala per salire sul tetto di casa. La mamma mi scopriva sempre e sconsolata sperava di trovare appoggio in mio papà che invece rispondeva dicendo: “bello il panorama oggi da lassù eh?”

Are there places where access isn’t permitted or is it still frightening? There used to be a space dedicated to Gods who protected houses and families. Nowadays, are there places that resemble those sacred ones, tied to our memories?
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Uno dei luoghi che fin da piccolo mi ha sempre suscitato inquietudine è la cantina, quel buio destabilizzante che cela il mondo e offusca la vista. Sfruttando la luce gialla della cantina ma chiudendo la porta si è creata questa suggestione di luce interessante.

Are there places where access isn’t permitted or is it still frightening? There used to be a space dedicated to Gods who protected houses and families. Nowadays, are there places that resemble those sacred ones, tied to our memories?
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Questo scatto rappresenta il “luogo” al quale mi era vietato l’accesso da bambina e, ad oggi l’oggetto della ritualità mattutina.

Are there places where access isn’t permitted or is it still frightening? There used to be a space dedicated to Gods who protected houses and families. Nowadays, are there places that resemble those sacred ones, tied to our memories?
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La mansarda in casa Desogus è il luogo dello svago, concesso a chi è stanco e vuole ritagliarsi qualche momento per sé. Ho trovato suggestiva la luce delle scale, che mi rimanda all’idea di qualcosa di sacro e immacolato: a mia salvezza dallo stress.

Are there places where access isn’t permitted or is it still frightening? There used to be a space dedicated to Gods who protected houses and families. Nowadays, are there places that resemble those sacred ones, tied to our memories?
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Lo studio.

Are there places where access isn’t permitted or is it still frightening? There used to be a space dedicated to Gods who protected houses and families. Nowadays, are there places that resemble those sacred ones, tied to our memories?
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La cantina è il luogo della mia casa che maggiormente mi inquieta a causa della sua atmosfera umida e oppressiva. Le molte porte contengono segreti, ciò che le persone non vogliono far vedere.

Are there places where access isn’t permitted or is it still frightening? There used to be a space dedicated to Gods who protected houses and families. Nowadays, are there places that resemble those sacred ones, tied to our memories?
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Lo studio del nonno. Da piccola mi era proibito toccare le carte sopra alla scrivania, è sempre stato per me un luogo affascinante.

Are there places where access isn’t permitted or is it still frightening? There used to be a space dedicated to Gods who protected houses and families. Nowadays, are there places that resemble those sacred ones, tied to our memories?
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Are there places where access isn’t permitted or is it still frightening? There used to be a space dedicated to Gods who protected houses and families. Nowadays, are there places that resemble those sacred ones, tied to our memories?
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Forse banale, il luogo centrale della vita della mia famiglia è da sempre la televisione. L’unico momento in cui era al completo, e tutt’ora è il momento in cui si smette di lavorare e ci si rilassa insieme davanti ad un film o una serie TV. Un po’ come un rituale, tra un episodio e l’altro.

Are there places where access isn’t permitted or is it still frightening? There used to be a space dedicated to Gods who protected houses and families. Nowadays, are there places that resemble those sacred ones, tied to our memories?
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Are there places where access isn’t permitted or is it still frightening? There used to be a space dedicated to Gods who protected houses and families. Nowadays, are there places that resemble those sacred ones, tied to our memories?
Sguario Linda
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Teniamo sempre accanto a noi un’immagine dei nostri cari, forse per paura di dimenticare.Forse perché è inevitabile e del loro volto è destinato a rimanerne solo un vago ricordo, avvolto nell’oblio.

Are there places where access isn’t permitted or is it still frightening? There used to be a space dedicated to Gods who protected houses and families. Nowadays, are there places that resemble those sacred ones, tied to our memories?
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Tradizione antica utilizzata da mia nonna (imparata a sua volta da sua nonna) come protezione durante i temporali, consiste nell’incendiare un rametto d’ulivo e con esso effettuare il segno di croce.

Are there places where access isn’t permitted or is it still frightening? There used to be a space dedicated to Gods who protected houses and families. Nowadays, are there places that resemble those sacred ones, tied to our memories?
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Are there places where access isn’t permitted or is it still frightening? There used to be a space dedicated to Gods who protected houses and families. Nowadays, are there places that resemble those sacred ones, tied to our memories?
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L’intento è quello di adottare una dieta sempre più vegetale.

Are there places where access isn’t permitted or is it still frightening? There used to be a space dedicated to Gods who protected houses and families. Nowadays, are there places that resemble those sacred ones, tied to our memories?
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La cantina, un luogo che mi ha sempre intimorita

Are there places where access isn’t permitted or is it still frightening? There used to be a space dedicated to Gods who protected houses and families. Nowadays, are there places that resemble those sacred ones, tied to our memories?
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L’intoccabile e misteriosa cassettiera della nonna.

Are there places where access isn’t permitted or is it still frightening? There used to be a space dedicated to Gods who protected houses and families. Nowadays, are there places that resemble those sacred ones, tied to our memories?
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Amo il fascino dei luoghi abbandonati dall’uomo e curati dal tempo. Questa casa abbandonata nel dopoguerra si trova dietro la casa in cui sono cresciuto, quì è stato il divieto assoluto a far nascere il tabù.

Are there places where access isn’t permitted or is it still frightening? There used to be a space dedicated to Gods who protected houses and families. Nowadays, are there places that resemble those sacred ones, tied to our memories?
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Da piccola mi hanno detto che non potevo giocare con le bottiglie dentro a questa vetrinetta. Ho ventidue anni, e ancora non la apro. Che spreco.

Totem and Taboo

Are there places where access isn’t permitted or is it still frightening? There used to be a space dedicated to Gods who protected houses and families. Nowadays, are there places that resemble those sacred ones, tied to our memories?