Consider the picture as an inscription to the most appreciated and loved designer or architect. It’s a way to highlight the importance of one’s references and to reflect on where it’s possible to find one’s master: a book’s page, a magazine, an object or the desktop.
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Achille Castiglioni

Consider the picture as an inscription to the most appreciated and loved designer or architect. It’s a way to highlight the importance of one’s references and to reflect on where it’s possible to find one’s master: a book’s page, a magazine, an object or the desktop.
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Omaggio a Philippe Starck.

Consider the picture as an inscription to the most appreciated and loved designer or architect. It’s a way to highlight the importance of one’s references and to reflect on where it’s possible to find one’s master: a book’s page, a magazine, an object or the desktop.
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Consider the picture as an inscription to the most appreciated and loved designer or architect. It’s a way to highlight the importance of one’s references and to reflect on where it’s possible to find one’s master: a book’s page, a magazine, an object or the desktop.
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Omaggio a Saul Bass. Saul Bass è un illustratore statunitense che fa dei titoli di testa delle vere e proprie opere d’arte. Le sue grafiche sintetizzano l’intero film in pochi minuti. Il suo lavoro si intreccia con la mia passione per i film di Alfred Hitchcock.

Consider the picture as an inscription to the most appreciated and loved designer or architect. It’s a way to highlight the importance of one’s references and to reflect on where it’s possible to find one’s master: a book’s page, a magazine, an object or the desktop.
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Omaggio a Bruno Munari/Il poster di Munari come oggetto di arredo.Non è protagonista, ma partecipa alla creazione di un ambiente.

Consider the picture as an inscription to the most appreciated and loved designer or architect. It’s a way to highlight the importance of one’s references and to reflect on where it’s possible to find one’s master: a book’s page, a magazine, an object or the desktop.
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Ettore Sottsass, designer, fotografo, poeta.

Consider the picture as an inscription to the most appreciated and loved designer or architect. It’s a way to highlight the importance of one’s references and to reflect on where it’s possible to find one’s master: a book’s page, a magazine, an object or the desktop.
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Fino in capo al mondo(omaggio a Corradino D’Ascanio)

Consider the picture as an inscription to the most appreciated and loved designer or architect. It’s a way to highlight the importance of one’s references and to reflect on where it’s possible to find one’s master: a book’s page, a magazine, an object or the desktop.
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Un avocadoburger

Consider the picture as an inscription to the most appreciated and loved designer or architect. It’s a way to highlight the importance of one’s references and to reflect on where it’s possible to find one’s master: a book’s page, a magazine, an object or the desktop.
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Consider the picture as an inscription to the most appreciated and loved designer or architect. It’s a way to highlight the importance of one’s references and to reflect on where it’s possible to find one’s master: a book’s page, a magazine, an object or the desktop.
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Consider the picture as an inscription to the most appreciated and loved designer or architect. It’s a way to highlight the importance of one’s references and to reflect on where it’s possible to find one’s master: a book’s page, a magazine, an object or the desktop.
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La luce al di là dell’oscurità, un barlume di speranza in questo periodo difficile.

Consider the picture as an inscription to the most appreciated and loved designer or architect. It’s a way to highlight the importance of one’s references and to reflect on where it’s possible to find one’s master: a book’s page, a magazine, an object or the desktop.
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Consider the picture as an inscription to the most appreciated and loved designer or architect. It’s a way to highlight the importance of one’s references and to reflect on where it’s possible to find one’s master: a book’s page, a magazine, an object or the desktop.
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Consider the picture as an inscription to the most appreciated and loved designer or architect. It’s a way to highlight the importance of one’s references and to reflect on where it’s possible to find one’s master: a book’s page, a magazine, an object or the desktop.
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Due pagine del libro “Design e comunicazione visiva” di Bruno Munari, in cui viene spiegata l’ispirazione dei suoi pattern. Ho stampato alcune fotografie macro a colori di elementi naturali che creano delle grafiche organiche non perfettamente geometriche, dalle quali prendeva spunto il designer.

Consider the picture as an inscription to the most appreciated and loved designer or architect. It’s a way to highlight the importance of one’s references and to reflect on where it’s possible to find one’s master: a book’s page, a magazine, an object or the desktop.
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Consider the picture as an inscription to the most appreciated and loved designer or architect. It’s a way to highlight the importance of one’s references and to reflect on where it’s possible to find one’s master: a book’s page, a magazine, an object or the desktop.
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Luce come creazione di un varco tra gli ambienti.

Consider the picture as an inscription to the most appreciated and loved designer or architect. It’s a way to highlight the importance of one’s references and to reflect on where it’s possible to find one’s master: a book’s page, a magazine, an object or the desktop.
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La soglia che divide uno spazio fisico, quella di un mirino galileiano attraverso cui la realtà diventa sua rappresentazione e il mio occhio che divide ciò che è percepito da ciò che percepisce, tutti e tre lungo lo stesso asse.

Consider the picture as an inscription to the most appreciated and loved designer or architect. It’s a way to highlight the importance of one’s references and to reflect on where it’s possible to find one’s master: a book’s page, a magazine, an object or the desktop.
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Consider the picture as an inscription to the most appreciated and loved designer or architect. It’s a way to highlight the importance of one’s references and to reflect on where it’s possible to find one’s master: a book’s page, a magazine, an object or the desktop.
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Il mondo tipografico non sarebbe lo stesso senza la grande “Univers” di Adrian Frutiger (1957)

Consider the picture as an inscription to the most appreciated and loved designer or architect. It’s a way to highlight the importance of one’s references and to reflect on where it’s possible to find one’s master: a book’s page, a magazine, an object or the desktop.
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Consider the picture as an inscription to the most appreciated and loved designer or architect. It’s a way to highlight the importance of one’s references and to reflect on where it’s possible to find one’s master: a book’s page, a magazine, an object or the desktop.
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dentro e fuori

Consider the picture as an inscription to the most appreciated and loved designer or architect. It’s a way to highlight the importance of one’s references and to reflect on where it’s possible to find one’s master: a book’s page, a magazine, an object or the desktop.
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Consider the picture as an inscription to the most appreciated and loved designer or architect. It’s a way to highlight the importance of one’s references and to reflect on where it’s possible to find one’s master: a book’s page, a magazine, an object or the desktop.
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Labirinto domestico.

Consider the picture as an inscription to the most appreciated and loved designer or architect. It’s a way to highlight the importance of one’s references and to reflect on where it’s possible to find one’s master: a book’s page, a magazine, an object or the desktop.
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Un omaggio a Bruno Munari: una delle figure più influenti nella storia del design italiano e internazionale. In primo piano le pagine del libro Da cosa nasce cosa, che fanno riferimento al progetto della lampada Folkalnd, visibile sullo sfondo, vista dallo schermo del computer

Consider the picture as an inscription to the most appreciated and loved designer or architect. It’s a way to highlight the importance of one’s references and to reflect on where it’s possible to find one’s master: a book’s page, a magazine, an object or the desktop.
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Mi sono fermato ad osservare i miei piedi prima di entrare in camera.

Consider the picture as an inscription to the most appreciated and loved designer or architect. It’s a way to highlight the importance of one’s references and to reflect on where it’s possible to find one’s master: a book’s page, a magazine, an object or the desktop.
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Daydo Moriyama

A story in a picture

Consider the picture as an inscription to the most appreciated and loved designer or architect. It’s a way to highlight the importance of one’s references and to reflect on where it’s possible to find one’s master: a book’s page, a magazine, an object or the desktop.