The toolbox is a metaphor to indicate everybody’s experiences and skillset, built during a lifetime. A mind’s operative system that allows it to interface and decode every single life’s instant.
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Quali strumenti più preziosi di quelli che nutrono il pensiero?

The toolbox is a metaphor to indicate everybody’s experiences and skillset, built during a lifetime. A mind’s operative system that allows it to interface and decode every single life’s instant.
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The toolbox is a metaphor to indicate everybody’s experiences and skillset, built during a lifetime. A mind’s operative system that allows it to interface and decode every single life’s instant.
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The toolbox is a metaphor to indicate everybody’s experiences and skillset, built during a lifetime. A mind’s operative system that allows it to interface and decode every single life’s instant.
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Mi hai insegnato l’arte dell’attesa. Una bambina cercava di capire cosa ci fosse d’interessante. Oggi la pazienza che mi hai insegnato ad avere vacilla pensando a quanto ci separa

The toolbox is a metaphor to indicate everybody’s experiences and skillset, built during a lifetime. A mind’s operative system that allows it to interface and decode every single life’s instant.
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2020 starter pack

The toolbox is a metaphor to indicate everybody’s experiences and skillset, built during a lifetime. A mind’s operative system that allows it to interface and decode every single life’s instant.
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The toolbox is a metaphor to indicate everybody’s experiences and skillset, built during a lifetime. A mind’s operative system that allows it to interface and decode every single life’s instant.
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In qualsiasi momento i miei colori ad olio sono sempre una certezza.

The toolbox is a metaphor to indicate everybody’s experiences and skillset, built during a lifetime. A mind’s operative system that allows it to interface and decode every single life’s instant.
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Tutte le storie degli altri che parlano anche di me, in cui mi posso dolcemente intrufolare

The toolbox is a metaphor to indicate everybody’s experiences and skillset, built during a lifetime. A mind’s operative system that allows it to interface and decode every single life’s instant.
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Racconto della passione di una me bambina che amava il legno e il decoupage

The toolbox is a metaphor to indicate everybody’s experiences and skillset, built during a lifetime. A mind’s operative system that allows it to interface and decode every single life’s instant.
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Da non molto ho scoperto la passione per l’uncinetto, oggetti semplici che ti permettono di intrecciare qualsiasi f ilamento.

The toolbox is a metaphor to indicate everybody’s experiences and skillset, built during a lifetime. A mind’s operative system that allows it to interface and decode every single life’s instant.
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Tutto ciò che mi serve per lavorare:la fotografia e la documentazione.

The toolbox is a metaphor to indicate everybody’s experiences and skillset, built during a lifetime. A mind’s operative system that allows it to interface and decode every single life’s instant.
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The toolbox is a metaphor to indicate everybody’s experiences and skillset, built during a lifetime. A mind’s operative system that allows it to interface and decode every single life’s instant.
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Uno scatto che illustra l’interno della propria “cassetta degli attrezzi”

The toolbox is a metaphor to indicate everybody’s experiences and skillset, built during a lifetime. A mind’s operative system that allows it to interface and decode every single life’s instant.
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The toolbox is a metaphor to indicate everybody’s experiences and skillset, built during a lifetime. A mind’s operative system that allows it to interface and decode every single life’s instant.
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È stato difficile ammettere a me stesso, pensando da quali interessanti strumenti fosse composta la mia “cassetta degli attrezzi”, che in realtà gli strumenti che meglio riesco a governare sono queste piccole icone, Rhino 3d.

The toolbox is a metaphor to indicate everybody’s experiences and skillset, built during a lifetime. A mind’s operative system that allows it to interface and decode every single life’s instant.
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The toolbox is a metaphor to indicate everybody’s experiences and skillset, built during a lifetime. A mind’s operative system that allows it to interface and decode every single life’s instant.
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Dadi e bulloni

The toolbox is a metaphor to indicate everybody’s experiences and skillset, built during a lifetime. A mind’s operative system that allows it to interface and decode every single life’s instant.
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The toolbox is a metaphor to indicate everybody’s experiences and skillset, built during a lifetime. A mind’s operative system that allows it to interface and decode every single life’s instant.
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Qualche costante.

The toolbox is a metaphor to indicate everybody’s experiences and skillset, built during a lifetime. A mind’s operative system that allows it to interface and decode every single life’s instant.
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The toolbox is a metaphor to indicate everybody’s experiences and skillset, built during a lifetime. A mind’s operative system that allows it to interface and decode every single life’s instant.
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Pennelli e vernici, i miei oboli. La pittura? Caronte. Amo barattare il mio tempo libero con questo traghettatore, per essere portata in un breve viaggio lontano dalla realtà. / Cerca ancora la sua pace interiore ma inutilmente [...] -Storia di un presunto artista, Nitro)

The toolbox is a metaphor to indicate everybody’s experiences and skillset, built during a lifetime. A mind’s operative system that allows it to interface and decode every single life’s instant.
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Cassetto tipografico e elettronica.

The toolbox is a metaphor to indicate everybody’s experiences and skillset, built during a lifetime. A mind’s operative system that allows it to interface and decode every single life’s instant.
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The toolbox is a metaphor to indicate everybody’s experiences and skillset, built during a lifetime. A mind’s operative system that allows it to interface and decode every single life’s instant.
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The toolbox is a metaphor to indicate everybody’s experiences and skillset, built during a lifetime. A mind’s operative system that allows it to interface and decode every single life’s instant.
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La cassetta del nonno.

The toolbox is a metaphor to indicate everybody’s experiences and skillset, built during a lifetime. A mind’s operative system that allows it to interface and decode every single life’s instant.
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Tutto il necessario per la sala prove: cavi, accordatore analogico, accordatore elettronico, stilofono, pedale con effetti, plettri.

The toolbox

The toolbox is a metaphor to indicate everybody’s experiences and skillset, built during a lifetime. A mind’s operative system that allows it to interface and decode every single life’s instant.